Anak pokok demokrasi untuk Tuanku!

“Go back to Perak and plant another democracy tree to make up for the one that was damaged,” Angela Hijjas seems to be saying to Tuanku Zara Davidson while Raja Nazrin Shah looks absolutely delighted that he has one to plant too.

Hehe. very the naughty!

lagi gambar di ARTERI


hahahaaaahahah,mesti taklehbaca simbolik ni.
nerve said…
wow simbolik giler...
hehe angela buat performance art ni..
Pengasas said…
Assalamu 'Alaikum Sendawa,
Maaf, saya dah salin gambar lauk sotong kat bawah tu, dan dimasukkan dalam posting terbaru saya.
Minta halal dunia akhirat.
Waalaikumsalam Tuan Haji, Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah. Saya juga cukup senang dgn hal2 pertanian & perubatan herba di blog tuan :)
Unknown said…
Wajib tonton! Video kepala PM Najib kena potong! Truly a pop culture moment! :)
MeDiArTpAsSiOn said…
Tu pun performance art ker????? adoi senangnya nak jadi performance artists!!!!!!!!!! Selamat menjadi Hajjah Kecik.
semua orang boleh jadi performance artists. macam2 bentuk performans boleh bikin hehe tengkiu

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