I’m sorry for the things I’ve done
I know that I’m the foolish one
Now that I see who’s to blame
I’m so ashamed, I’m sorry

I’m sorry for the things I’ve said
Just like a child I lost my head
I should have known from the start
I’d break your heart, I’m sorry

Please be kind and I know you’ll find
It’s so easy to forgive
Darling, wait for it’s not too late
Give our love a chance to live

I know the heartaches you’ve been through
I know for I’ve had heartaches, too
There’s nothing more I can do
But say to you “I’m sorry”

Please be kind and I know you’ll find
It’s so easy to forgive
Darling, wait for it’s not too late
Give our love a chance to live, oh live

I know the heartaches you’ve been through
I know for I’ve had heartaches, too
There’s nothing more I can do
But say to you----“I’m sorry”

Ini salah satu lagu klasik kegemaran aku. "I'm Sorry" oleh Platters. Masa sekolah menengah lagi abah dah introduce lagu-lagu Platters ni.Best tau. Sempena raya yang bakal muncul beberapa hari saja lagi, aku nak dedicatelah lagu ni pada semua umat..Bosan pulak asyik dengar lagu M.Nasir jer kat corong radio tu :)


selamat hari raya utk k.anim sekeluarga!!
maaf zahir batin!!!
Pyanhabib said…
selamat hari raya aidilfitri
memohon dan memberikan kemaafan.
tima kasih...will be offline for one week,,boringnya..selamat hari raya juga, maaflah apa yang terkasar dan tersasul kata dan laku ok..
Littlesilence said…
selamat berhari raya bersama keluarga, kak haneem ;)
lanterajiwa said…
Buat Kak Haneem sekeluarga... Salam Eid... Maaf lahir & batin... Sebarkanlah salam & saling bermaafan...
GAP's said…
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin...
Anonymous said…
kak haneem. selamat kacau rendang!

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